Uechi (pronounced Weh-chee) Karate is a unique blend of Chinese Kung-fu and Okinawan/Japanese Karate. The "founder" of the style was Uechi Kambun (1877-1948) who actually taught a Chinese art
which he called Pan-gai-nun.
Uechi Karate was further developed by Uechi Kambun's son, Uechi Kanei (1911-1991). Uechi Kanei created present-day
Uechi Karate by adding elements of modern Okinawan/Japanese Karate to the traditional Chinese Kung-fu taught by his father.
Uechi Karate was originally brought to the United States by American servicemen who studied the art while stationed
on Okinawa during the 1950's. Many schools have opened across the country since that time and some senior American instructors
have been training for as much as 40 to 50 years.
Uechi Karate has been taught in Allegan since 1969 by Lawrence Mahar, who began studying Uechi Karate in Kalamazoo
in 1967. He has also visited Okinawa several times for additional training.